We conduct our discussions by email through a mailing list.
subscribeto ha-request.at.ha.ro.nu. You will automatically receive instructions for posting to the list.
Because one of the goals is to have a completely open system, please note that membership of the list is conditional on your acceptance of the list's copyright and distribution policy. This states that all your posts become the copyright of the Home Brew Home Automation Project, which guarantees open access to all data submitted under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence (GPL).
The GPL is designed to protect the freedom of authors to build on each others' work by ensuring that anyone who distributes the work, modified or unmodified, commercially or privately, is obliged to pass on all relevant source code and data as well, and to impose the same conditions on the recipients. This prevents an existing project being turned in to a proprietary one.
Do not post confidential or proprietary information to the list unless you are the owner of that information and have the authority to place the information under terms of the GPL.
The best way to contribute is to participate in the list. But if you just have comments on the ideas you see here, feel free to email the list maintainer, ha-owner.at.ha.ro.nu. These will not be published without your permission.
When sending to the list, please send only plain text files. Not everyone will be able to read other formats. If you have attachments you would like others to see, please make them available by ftp or http, or send them to ha-owner.at.ha.ro.nu. Try to choose a format which will be widely understood to maximise your audience.
When replying to the list, remember that everyone else has already received a copy of the article to which you are replying, so you need only quote enough old material to give the context for your reply. If you need to draw attention to a whole article, look for it in the archive and include a reference to it.
helpto ha-request.at.ha.ro.nu for a list of commands that Majordomo understands.
If you need further assistance, please contact the list maintainer, ha-owner.at.ha.ro.nu.
unsubscribeto ha-request.at.ha.ro.nu.