Re: [ha] S.N.A.P

Adam Davis (
Mon, 25 Jan 1999 11:10:16 -0500

Sure-Microchip. ;-)

The reference literature section is here:
Which includes the "1999 first quarter product line card" in PDF.

This can be downloaded here:

or directly HTTP'd from here:

Expect about a 630K PDF.

Quite a few features that many have been asking for - more pwm, internal
osc, 10 & 12 bit a/d, two which sport D/A, etc, etc.

-Adam wrote:
> Woooow!
> > Well, they are releasing 5 chips:
> > 2 interface-only chips, one of which uses the SPI interface to talk to a
> > uC.
> >
> > 3 uC's with Full CAN 2.0B:
> > PIC18F641 68pin device
> > PIC18C441 40pin device
> > PIC18C241 28pin device
> > Each has between 5-12 channels of ADC(12 bit), work up to 40MHz, 8k
> > words of program space, 512-1536 bytes of memory, to mention a few
> > features.
> Do you have a reference to this information? (URL?)
> /Lars